مسرح مونو يفتح أبوابه للمتحرش المتسلسل جو قديح

15 شهادة، على الأقل، نُشرت عام 2020 لنساء تحرش بهن المخرج جو قديح، بعضهن كن قاصرات ومن تلميذاته. ورغم ذلك، ما يزال قديح من دون محاسبة أو مساءلة، بل وتقدّم له المساحات ليعرض أعماله الفنية.

عاد جو قديح إلى المسرح بكل وقاحة. ومن دون ذكر اسمه، يعرض مسرحية من إخراجه وكتابته بعنوان «أنّا أو» في مسرح مونو، بعروض بدأت منذ 2 آذار ومستمرة حتى 2 نيسان المقبل. 

لم يعترف قديح بأفعاله ولم يعتذر عنها. لا نريد لشهادات النساء أن تُنسى، كأنها لم تكن. نريد العدالة لهن. قاطعوا/ن مسرحية قديح ولنتساعد في الضغط على مسرح مونو (الذي فتح مجدداً أبوابه للمتحرشين، بعد المخرج ميشال جبر) لإلغاء عروضه المتبقية.

Le Monot Theater opens its doors to the serial harasser Joe Kodeih

In 2020, at least 15 testimonies were published from women who were harassed by the director Joe Kodeih, some of whom were underage girls, and others his female students. Despite this, Kodeih is still not held accountable or responsible for his actions, but instead he’s being provided with spaces to display his artwork.

Joe Kodeih returned to working in theaters impertinently. Without his name being mentioned, he is currently showcasing a play directed and written by him, entitled “Anna O” at Le Monot Theater, with performances that began on the second of March, and will continue until the second of April. 

Kodeih neither acknowledged nor apologized for his actions. We do not want these women’s testimonies to go unremembered, as if they were never there. We want justice for them.  Boycott Kodeih’s play, and let’s help put pressure on Le Monot Theater (which reopened its doors to harassers, after the director Michel Jaber) to cancel its remaining performances.